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Fresh Gourmet Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It's rich, full-bodied taste is a daily necessity to millions of people. Of course, coffee is not only loved for its taste. The caffeine kick is needed by many to start the day. But if you are a true coffee lover, fresh gourmet coffee has a taste that can't be beat.

Luckily, it's easy to get a hit of fresh gourmet coffee almost everywhere. There are coffee shops on almost every street corner and quality coffee beans are sold in many specialty shops as well as supermarkets.

"Fresh" is the key to fresh gourmet coffee. Coffee simply does not improve with age -- it should be used within six months of production. Some of the large coffee distributors include old coffee beans in their mixes to reduce the cost. Needless to say, this practice also reduces the flavor.

Fresh gourmet coffee costs a bit more than regular supermarket coffee. That's because it's made from high quality Arabica coffee that has been hand-picked in processed. Commercial grade coffee is made from the cheaper Robusta coffee which has an inferior taste and texture than Arabica.

Commercial grade coffee is also machine picked and processed which means that foreign substances such as twigs and leaves find their way into the finished product. When you buy fresh gourmet coffee, you are assured of the quality and taste.

You have many choices when it comes to fresh gourmet coffee. Each coffee growing region produces a uniquely flavored coffee bean and the processing method to also determines the final taste of the coffee. The roasting method in particular determines the kind of coffee taste.

Fresh gourmet coffee should be ground just before brewing. You need a coffee grinder in your home if you want to the best tasting coffee possible. A good-quality coffee maker is also a necessity when making great tasting coffee.


Is There a Cure For Cold Sores?

One question on the minds of many people who frequently suffer from cold sores is “is there a cure for cold sores?” Sadly, the answer is no. But while there is no cold sores cure, there are numerous preventive measures people can take to keep their cold sore outbreaks to a minimum. 

Some of these preventions include not kissing people who currently have cold sores, protecting the lips from prolonged exposure to the sun, use lip balm with sun block on the lips at all times, and avoiding personal triggers that can lead to a cold sore outbreak. Following these procedures will not guarantee that a person will never have another cold sore, but it will decrease the likelihood that they will have another outbreak. 

It is a good idea to avoid any close contact like kissing with anyone who currently has a cold sore. Although people can spread the cold-sore-causing HSV-1 virus even when they do not have a cold sore, it is much more likely to spread when a sore is present. It is advisable not to share any items with people who have cold sores as well. Items such as toothbrushes, towels, razors, and tableware can carry the HSV-1 virus. 

It is also a good idea to protect the lips from the sun. People should wear a lip balm containing sunscreen at all times to prevent any burning or drying. Even with the sun block, people should still limit the amount of direct sunlight their lips get. It is advisable to wear a hat or stay in the shade to keep the lips from getting too much sun. 

Some foods seem to trigger cold sore outbreaks in some people. Foods and drinks containing caffeine like chocolate, coffee, and soft drinks make some people more susceptible to cold sore outbreaks. People who are sensitive to these substances should limit their intake in order to decrease the likelihood of a cold sore outbreak. 

There is no cold sores cure, but taking these precautions can greatly reduce the likelihood of a cold sore outbreak. Anyone who has a weakened immune system is at a risk for cold sores, but many of these preventive measures can still be effective.


Oranges, Tangerines And Grapefruit, Oh My!

Do you know an espresso drinker that you want to get a gift for? Perhaps you’d like to get yourself some gourmet espresso. Well, buying gourmet espresso coffee gifts is easier than ever. With more and more stores online selling gourmet espresso at fantastic prices with cheap shipping, everyone can afford it now. We recommend 3 of the best merchants online on our Coffee and Tea Gifts page (, you just need to scroll to the bottom and start shopping. 

Here’s a little bit of information on what you can expect to find. There are quite a few choices when it comes to espresso. You can buy whole beans or ground coffee, but if you’re not sure if your friend has a coffee grinder, either pick one up at the same time (2 of the 3 merchants we recommend sell them) or go with ground coffee beans. Most people like the amount of caffeine in espresso (myself included) and not just the taste. But for those of us who can’t have too much caffeine for health reasons, you can also get decaffeinated espresso. 

You can also purchase espresso pods. Before doing so though, carefully check if your machine will accept espresso pods. What is a pod you ask? It looks almost identical to a tea bag, perhaps slightly larger and acts in the same way as a teabag. It’s mess-free, unlike using a filter and loose coffee and ensures the same great taste for every cup. It’s much easier to use, but also slightly more expensive. 

Whatever you choose, have fun with it. There are so many brands to choose from, you might want to try them all to find the perfect coffee for you. Happy shopping!


Resisting the Coffee Sensation can be Hazardous to Your Health!

Coffee consumption has rapidly increased in the U.S. in the past few years. Aside from its wonderful taste and the stimulating affect of caffeine, coffee’s rising popularity is now due in part to social factors as evidenced by coffeehouses springing up all over the country. Many Americans cannot get their day started without their first cup of coffee. The familiar morning routine that resonates in so many households across the country begins with the ringing of the alarm clock, and ends with that much anticipated cup of freshly brewed coffee. Coffee used to have a bad reputation, but recent research suggests that drinking moderate amounts of coffee provides a wide range of health benefits. 

Health Benefits of Coffee 

Ever thought that drinking your daily cup of coffee could actually improve your health? The tannins and antioxidants that appear naturally in coffee are well known to fight free radicals and other assaults on the body. From containing so many protective antioxidants to reducing the risk of asthma attacks, coffee may be the answer. 

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that protect the body’s cells from the damaging effects of oxidation. They help support the immune system, and consequently, may lower the risk of both cancer and heart disease. It is believed that the caffeine in coffee helps to improve the blood circulation within the heart and arteries. One study shows that in a comparison among various food groups, coffee had 64% of the total antioxidant intake. 

Coffee may also lower the risk of gallstones by 45% and cirrhosis of the liver by 80%. A recent study confirms the existence of an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and liver cirrhosis, although researchers have not determined which component in the coffee is responsible for producing the protective effect. 

Another benefit of coffee is a 25% reduction in the onset of attacks among asthma sufferers. This chronic disease causes the airways to close up due to inflammation, resulting in coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest. One of the compounds in coffee, called theophylline, acts as a bronchodilator, which lessens these dangerous symptoms. So asthma sufferers should make sure to always pack their coffee pods to be prepared in case of emergency. 

Often find yourself with a headache lasting throughout the day? It could be caused by stress at work, unruly children, or not enough sleep. The caffeine in coffee has been known to help in treating those headaches. Forget about your typical painkillers; use the convenience of the K-cup coffee system to brew a single cup of fresh coffee and have relief in minutes. 

Ideal Amount of Coffee 

On average, doctors recommend drinking 2-4 cups of coffee a day, which is considered to be a reasonable and moderate amount. Of course, people are all different, and some may choose to drink more and some may prefer to drink less, depending on their individual lifestyles, habits, and health issues. 

An 8oz cup of coffee contains approximately 75mg of caffeine. Since excessive amounts of caffeine in coffee can be detrimental to your health, it is important not to exceed the recommended 300mg of caffeine a day. Using a K-cup coffee maker to brew one cup of coffee at a time is one of the best ways to monitor your coffee consumption. 

Do Specialty or “Gourmet” Coffees Confer the Same Health Benefits as Regular Coffee? 

The answer is yes. Most of the specialty drinks people order at Starbucks, such as cappuccinos, lattes, etc., has espresso as their foundation. Espresso is thought to be even better for your health than regular coffee. The reason may be as simple as the method of brewing. Espresso is a concentrated form of coffee that is produced when water is forced under high pressure over finely ground coffee. The best of the coffee’s ingredients is “expressed” out in a quick method. Many scientists believe this keeps the positive elements intact longer (i.e. the powerful antioxidants) and with more integrity to maximize the health benefits. A professor at the University of Munster noted that in comparison to regular coffee, espresso has 2-3 times the amount of cancer-fighting agents. 

Espresso is notoriously difficult to brew, and many people never master the art of creating the perfect espresso shot. As a result, coffee pod machines, with their ability to deliver a high quality cup of coffee consistently, have expanded into the espresso market. Now coffee lovers can enjoy a great cup of espresso, with all its health benefits, with just a push of a button! 

Who Should Avoid Coffee 

Although coffee may be the way to go, it may not be the best choice for everyone. Some people with particular health conditions should avoid coffee. Women who are pregnant should be extremely careful with their intake of coffee and caffeine. High levels of caffeine can result in babies having a low birth weight or even miscarriage. Other common effects of pregnancy and coffee, caffeine to be specific, include delayed conception, prematurity, and sometimes even sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). 

The evidence regarding the affect of excessive consumption of coffee on the development of heart disease is inconclusive. But it still might be prudent for people who drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day to cut down, especially if they have high blood pressure or other risk factors for heart disease. 

People with stomach ulcers should also try to avoid coffee. Coffee, tea, colas, and foods that contain caffeine seem to stimulate acid secretion in the stomach, aggravating the pain of an existing ulcer. So, anyone with a stomach ulcer should cut out coffee to help alleviate symptoms. 

As anything else, the coffee experience has its benefits and its drawbacks. The key word here seems to be moderation. As long as you don’t over do it, you can continue to indulge in your favorite brew everyday for the rest of your life and live healthily ever after! 

About Coffeecow 
This article was provided by which goes to great lengths to provide the highest quality products, the fastest service, and the deepest discount prices you will find on one cup coffee makers, regular, decaf, and flavored coffee and tea, and a full line of coffee supplies. Developed by coffee professionals with over 35 years of experience in fulfilling any coffee service need, Coffeecow offers all the coffee conveniences for your home or office. 


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When you are looking for superior information relating to cakes, it'll be complex extricating the best information from reckless cakes suggestions and advice so it's astute to know how to judge the advice that is offered. Distinctive Cakes From Black Hound New York Baked from scratch by a leading NYC bakery and shipped overnight. Our creations reflect a passion for unique flavor combinations, extraordinary taste and artful presentation. Now we'd like to offer you some advice that we believe you should use when you are searching for information concerning cakes. You need to realize the advice we offer is only relevant to internet information about cakes. Unfortunately we are unable to provide any direction or assistance when you are also conducting research in books or magazines. Coffee for less: Cakes Seller of coffees, teas, and baked goods, including rum cakes, brewers, stirrers, and espresso machines. An interesting tip to pursue when you're presented with information and advice about a cakes article would be to confirm the sites ownership. This could reveal the people behind the website cakes credibility The easiest way to work out who is at the back of the cakes site is to find the 'about' page. All respectable sites giving you information on cakes, will nearly always have a 'contact', or an 'about', page which will record the owner's details. The details should disclose some specifications about the owner's skill and understanding. You can then arrive at a decision about the webmaster's training and understanding, to offer assistance with cakes.


The Art Of Coffee Roasting

Could there be anything better than a hot, fresh brewed cup of coffee? As you open that can of pre-ground Maxwell House Coffee, did you even know that coffee comes in different roasts? Did you know that you can roast your own coffee beans at home? If you think that the aroma of your fresh ground coffee beans can't be beat, get a home coffee roaster, you'll be in Java Heaven. Roasting the coffee beans is what imparts flavor. Similar to the making of a fine wine or a hand rolled cigar, some consider the roasting of coffee beans as an art. Those that describe coffee use some of the same vocabulary they use to describe wine. Depending on the roast level chosen the beans take on different flavor characteristics. The lighter the coffee bean the less flavor it will have, the darker the coffee bean the stronger the flavor it will have. There are generally four different categories of roast. A light roast (American) , a medium roast (Breakfast), a dark roast (French), and darkest roast (Italian or espresso). Each type of roast imparts a different appearance to the coffee beans. When a coffee bean is roasted to an American roast the beans will have a very light color to them and they will appear dry. A medium roasted bean, or Breakfast roast will have a rich brown color and will be oily in appearance. A French roasted coffee bean will have a very oily appearance with the beans appearing very dark brown. The darkest roasted beans or Espresso beans will appear black. Coffee roasting can easily be done in your home. Depending on the roast that you desire you can roast coffee in five to fifteen minutes. Green beans are available online from a number of sellers, as are coffee roasters. Choose different types of green coffees to sample. Drum roasters are very popular for use in the home. It's best to consider purchasing a roaster as it will give you the most consistent finish to your beans. Some try to roast beans in frying pans, some use hot air popcorn poppers. While each of these techniques will work, as mentioned above they don't give a consistent finish to all the beans and you will most likely be disappointed in the result.


The History of Coffee

Who would have thought that a berry that was discovered by a herd of goats would be the single most important ingredient in the world’s most popular drink? Legend has it that back in 850AD, a goat herder noticed his herd was full of energy and eating berries he had never noticed. Since the goats seemed to have such a reaction, the herder decided to give it a try! The berries also gave him a burst of energy and he began to feel very happy. Thus, the beginning of the journey for what is now known as coffee! Actually, the story of the goat herder isn’t the only legend surrounding this discovery. It is also said that an Arabian man was banished to the deserts with his followers to die of starvation. His men became very desperate for nourishment and before long, they were boiling and eating the product of an unknown tree. The broth that was produced by this unknown substance saved the lives of the men! In the nearest town, Mocha, many took their survival to be a religious sign. Because of the discovery, the drink was then named Mocha. No matter which story you gravitate to, the bottom line is the same: the berries (actually, the seed of the berry) gave energy and zest to all that would consume it! From it’s earliest beginnings, coffee was thought of as a delicacy and any recipes floating around were considered to be a closely guarded secret! As time passed, the very first coffee trees were harvested around 1100, in the Arabian Peninsula. The coffee drink became a staple of many early civilizations. In the year 1453, There was a law in Turkey that said that a woman could divorce her husband if he didn’t supply her with a daily supply of coffee! The very first known coffee shop was established in Constantinople around the year of 1475 and since that initial introduction to the general public, coffee has pretty much taken over the world! Between 1600-1700, there were many advancements, including the world’s first coffee house and the beginnings of commercial production (made by the Dutch). By the middle 1700’s, there were about 2000 coffee shops in Venice, alone! The first prototype of an espresso machine (made in Italy) was unveiled in the early 1800’s. In the early 1900’s, the first drip coffee machine was invented, making the coffee making process a little less daunting! The automatic espresso maker began its journey in the 1930’s. By the late 1900’s, coffee became the most popular beverage in the world! The coffee is harvested in many countries, including: Africa, Ethiopia, Brazil, North America, Italy and even Turkey. This kind of crop can also be easily grown and exported by many third world countries, as well. Made to tempt even the pickiest palate, coffee has evolved to include hundreds of flavors and varying grades and prices.


Theme Gift Baskets

For most everyone, gift-giving can be quite a daunting experience. We would like to find that one perfect gift, but what do you get for that hard-to-buy-for person or special occasion? Gift Baskets are so versatile that they can be used for any occasion and are sure to please everyone on your list. Making gift baskets is an excellent way to provide personalized gifts for friends and family. They can be fun to make and receive. Deciding the theme of the basket is typically the hard part. It's easiest to focus on hobbies and favorite interests, although food can also be the focus of the basket. Are you looking for a gift for a gardener, a new car owner, a college student, baby or new Mother? Gift baskets are an answer to your gift-giving prayers. What kinds of items should you included in a gift basket? The sky's the limit, along with your budget. To provide a smile to a gardener's face, include gloves, tools, seed packets, terra cotta pots or hat. You might even include a coffee mug decorated with flowers and herbal tea to enjoy after working in the garden. You can put the items for this gift in a garden basket or even in a big straw hat. Getting a new car is an exciting event, especially for the first-time buyer. Help them celebrate the purchase with a gift of air freshener, car wash, chamois, tire cleaner and an ice scraper? Add a visor organizer and a silly item like a pair of fuzzy dice or a Squirrel tail for their antenna, put it all in a wash bucket and your new car owner is set for the road. Sending a friend or family member off to college? Put together a "care package" gift basket. You can include a box of homemade cookies, a mug, hot chocolate mix and microwave popcorn and other snacks for those late-night study sessions. A framed family picture, compact disc and a phone card will help ease any signs of homesickness. Throw in a roll of quarters for laundry and put it all in a laundry basket. As you are able to see, ideas for creating gift baskets are virtually unlimited. When you have chosen all the gifts for your basket, it's time for the assembly. Select a container which will hold your gifts. The container itself doesn't have to be expensive but, should fit the theme of the gift, if possible. If you cannot think of a special container, a laundry basket would serve a dual purpose. Some other items you will need for the basket are packing paper, shredded colored paper, floral picks or even greenery, 24"-30" clear cellophane, and curling ribbon. You want the gifts in the basket to be visible, so you'll need to fill the bottom of the basket with wadded packing paper. Push the paper firmly in place, leaving the top forth of the basket exposed. Add shredded paper to the top of the basket. Shredded paper is available in many colors and styles at virtually all craft stores, however if you have access to a paper shredder you can make your own. Place the taller items in back, forming a "wall". Lean the medium-sized items against this wall, and place smaller gifts along the front rim of the basket. You can add floral picks or greenery to fill in any empty spaces, to enhance the overall look of the basket. Wrap the basket with cellophane. Gather the cellophane on the front and back of the basket, overlapping the sides towards the back. Use a piece of ribbon to tie the cellophane securely. Tape the sides of the cellophane down. To finish the basket add a couple more lengths of ribbon, curling the ends, and attach a card.


The Types of Gourmet Coffee

Since it’s first induction as the world’s most popular beverage, coffee has gone through many changes and improvements. These improvements allow coffee drinkers the chance to choose between many different grades and flavors of the coffee. Whether you are a coffee connoisseur or just need your morning pick me up, there’s nothing to tempt the palate quite like a hot mug of smooth gourmet coffee! To fully appreciate a cup of hot gourmet coffee, you should take a minute to familiarize yourself with the basics of gourmet coffee. The coffee bean is not really a bean; they are actually the seeds of a cherry that are found on a coffee tree. There are a couple of different ways to extract the seed; wet process and dry process. Each process will bring about the shared result of removing all of the fruit from the seed. There are two grades of coffee: Robusta and Arabica. The Robusta makes up the coffee that contains the most caffeine, at the lowest price. Arabica (a.k.a. gourmet) coffee is the superior grade. It has half the caffeine of Robusta and has a more desirable taste. Those that enjoy this type of coffee will also tell you that gourmet coffee has a much better smell and more desirable flavors than Robusta. Gourmet coffee is available in many of your favorite flavors, including: almond, amaretto, Irish crème, French vanilla, Swiss mocha, vanilla, chocolate, mint, peppermint, pumpkin spice and just about anything else you can imagine! Basically, if there is any flavor that you are partial to, you will be able to find. There are gourmet coffees that are caffeinated and those that are decaffeinated. If you have a sensitive stomach, you can even find gourmet style coffee that is low in acid, making it a little more gentle. Arabica coffee ranks very high among the Specialty Coffee Association of America, which pretty much sets the standards applied to gourmet coffee drinks. Many coffee making companies offer a gourmet style drink, including: Gevalia, Green Mountain, San Giorgio, San Francisco Bay, Kona and Javalution. The gourmet coffee beans are offered in a variety of different serving sizes. They are also offered at many different prices, depending on your personal preference. Though this type of coffee may be a bit more pricey than the Robusta, it’s the only choice for true coffee lovers!


What Are Coffee Pods?

People drink coffee to stay awake and get more things done. But how can you get more things done if you’re waiting around for your coffee to brew. Oh sure you can go buy a cup of coffee but at some point you going to want a cup at home. With a coffee pod maker you’re only 30 seconds away from an excellent cup of coffee. Senseo was one of the first coffee pod makers available. And having sold more than 10 million units in four years Senseo is definitely here to stay. A coffee pod looks just like a round tea bag. It works like this. You fill the coffee maker with water, place a coffee pod in the receptacle, hit the button and thirty seconds later you have a great cup of coffee. A patented method that uses a special spray head and mild pressure to balance the ratio of coffee to water while brewing creates a rich frothy cup of coffee. If you’re looking for great tasting coffee that’s convenient and time saving then try pod coffee. Coffee pods are available in different brew strengths including dark roast, medium roast and mild roast. You can usually buy a package of 72 coffee pods for less than twenty dollars. Since you can also buy a 33 oz can of coffee grinds for about five to 10 dollars at the supermarket, coffee pods are not for budget minded coffee drinkers. That large can will definitely contain a lot more than 72 cups of coffee. But remember you’re paying a premium for a no mess, no measuring, easy cleanup, ready in thirty seconds, cup of a coffee. For some people that’s money well spent. Cleanup is a breeze, just discard the pod. Since the coffee grinds are enclosed in a pod instead of a filter there’s less of a chance of spilling them all over your kitchen floor. The pod receptacle is even dishwasher safe. Another reason to buy a coffee pod maker, especially a Senseo, is that the machines are so good looking. They are sleek, stylish and will look great on your countertop. Coffee isn’t just for breakfast anymore, it’s an all day long affair. Why not make coffee pods part of your daily routine? About the author: Anthony Tripodi is the webmaster of - The Guide To Coffee. For more information about coffee including speciality coffee drink recipes, ideas and equipment, visit

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