Feelings, love, luck, happiness...
- Written by Alen
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Artists, feelings written everywhere... Just read and feel....
Kulturalni događaji, slike, plesovi...
Pogledajte kolekciju slika neobičnih vjenčanja, od izgleda mladenaca do mjesta na kojima se vjenčaju, komentirajte.
Ova čudnovata stvorenja kao da su izašla iz nekog SF filma, nebiste ni vjerovali da se svaki dan indirektno susrećete sa njima... naime radi se o insektima koji su slikani sa elektronskim mikroskopom te na poseban način imamo mogućnost vidjeti ono što inače golim okom nije vidljivo.
The Nikon Small World competition, now in its 36th year, attracts entries from around the world. The pictures in this gallery were shot by a variety of amateur photographers, professionals and scientists either using microscopes with cameras for work or play. They form just some of the 137 handpicked as finalists for competition Nikon Small World 2010, which aims at "recognising proficiency and photographic excellence of photography taken under the microscope". Winners, chosen by four judges, will be revealed next month. In the meantime Nikon have made all 137 available for the public to view at www.nikonsmallworld.com where visitors can choose their favourites in the public vote