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Breastfeeding Questions & Answers

Breastfeeding Questions & Answers
Q. How often should a newborn be nursed?
A. You should nurse a newborn no less than 8 times a day, depending upon how long he sleeps between feedings at night.  If he can go four hours between feedings, then you will probably feed him twice between 11pm and 7am.  If you feed him right before he goes to bed, then you may only have to get up one time during the night.
Q. How often should an older baby be nursed?
A. Depending upon the age of your child, you should be feeding him every 3-4 hours during the day.  As your child gets older, they will nurse less, but they will be eating more during each nursing.  If you are going to nurse after your child is over 6 months old, you should not nurse less than 5 times a day.  If your milk supply is decreasing, then you may need to add a nursing or two to your day to help increase your milk supply.
Q. How do I go about dropping a feeding as my baby gets older?
A. The most common change that moms need to make is going from a every 3 hour to every 4 hour routine, dropping a feeding in the middle of the night, or dropping a late-night feeding.
Most of the time you will know when your baby is ready to change their eating habits by a change in their sleep patterns.  A baby that has been on an every 3 hour routine normally takes 3 naps a day and if they eat every 3,5 to 4 hours then they may drop the last nap of the nap or shorten one of the other naps considerably.  Babies are usually ready to do this at around 3 months of age.
Most babies drop the feeding in the middle of night by themselves at around 6-14 weeks old.  You will know that they are ready when you awake in a panic in the morning wondering why your baby did not get you for a feeding.  The baby will require more food during the day though, and if you are breastfeeding, your breasts may feel full for a few days, but it is well worth it!
The late night feeding is usually the hardest to let go of.  Some parents think that if they do not feed the baby right before bed that the baby will awake in the middle of the night.  If you don’t think your child can do without the late night feeding, then push it back in 15-minute increments until you are feeding him at the time you would like to.  If the last two feedings of the day seem too close together, don’t worry.  It will all work itself out and you both will be much happier for it!

Q. How often should a newborn be nursed?
A. You should nurse a newborn no less than 8 times a day, depending upon how long he sleeps between feedings at night.  If he can go four hours between feedings, then you will probably feed him twice between 11pm and 7am.  If you feed him right before he goes to bed, then you may only have to get up one time during the night.    

Q. How often should an older baby be nursed?
A. Depending upon the age of your child, you should be feeding him every 3-4 hours during the day.  As your child gets older, they will nurse less, but they will be eating more during each nursing.  If you are going to nurse after your child is over 6 months old, you should not nurse less than 5 times a day.  If your milk supply is decreasing, then you may need to add a nursing or two to your day to help increase your milk supply.
Q. How do I go about dropping a feeding as my baby gets older?
A. The most common change that moms need to make is going from a every 3 hour to every 4 hour routine, dropping a feeding in the middle of the night, or dropping a late-night feeding.  
Most of the time you will know when your baby is ready to change their eating habits by a change in their sleep patterns.  A baby that has been on an every 3 hour routine normally takes 3 naps a day and if they eat every 3,5 to 4 hours then they may drop the last nap of the nap or shorten one of the other naps considerably.  Babies are usually ready to do this at around 3 months of age.  
Most babies drop the feeding in the middle of night by themselves at around 6-14 weeks old.  You will know that they are ready when you awake in a panic in the morning wondering why your baby did not get you for a feeding.  The baby will require more food during the day though, and if you are breastfeeding, your breasts may feel full for a few days, but it is well worth it!  
The late night feeding is usually the hardest to let go of.  Some parents think that if they do not feed the baby right before bed that the baby will awake in the middle of the night.  If you don’t think your child can do without the late night feeding, then push it back in 15-minute increments until you are feeding him at the time you would like to.  If the last two feedings of the day seem too close together, don’t worry.  It will all work itself out and you both will be much happier for it!

Baby’s Naptime

Baby’s Naptime
If you baby is not napping well during her first few months of life, you may want to try to cut back on the time she is awake by 15 minute increments.  If she is getting overstimulated, then she will fight sleep and be difficult to get to nap.  The way to prevent this is to watch her “sleepy” cues to make sure that you put her down when she is beginning to get sleepy.
Some parents believe that letting their child cry will harm him or her.  Fifteen or twenty minutes of crying will not harm your child physically or mentally.  Babies will learn to self-soothe and fall asleep by themselves, but only if you let her.  It is very important that babies learn to fall asleep by themselves so that they can self-soothe if they awake in the middle of the night.  Otherwise, you may have a child that will not sleep through the night for years.
Regular sleep patterns are intermeshed with regular eating patterns, so let us look at the stages of a baby’s life:
* Newborn:  Your newborn will sleep anywhere from 16 to 20 hours a day, including the naps that he takes between feedings.  When your baby has been fed, let him stay awake for a short while and then put him down before he becomes overstimulated.
* Two months:  At two months and older, your child should be allowed to try to self-soothe during their naptimes and bedtime.  Crying is normal when you put your baby down, but it is okay.  If he cries for longer than 10-15 minutes, then go in and check on him.  Don’t get him up, but pat his bottom or lightly rub his back until he calms down.
* 3-6 months:  At around 3-6 months, your baby will stop taking one of his naps.  Usually it is the third nap or late afternoon nap that they do not need as much.  He may be a little fussy and may want to take a little nap, but you need to try to keep him up if you want him to go to bed at a decent time and sleep soundly through the night.
* 16+ months:  When your child is between 16-20 months, they usually quit taking the morning nap in favor of a longer nap in the afternoons.  Babies this age usually sleep between 10-12 hours a night and take a 2-3 hour afternoon nap.
Ground Rules about Naps
1. You decide when the nap starts and ends, not the baby.
2. When your baby is older than 4 months old, she will wake up crying if she hasn’t slept enough.  She might have a dirty diaper, be in a position that is not comfortable, or cold/hot. Fix the problem and encourage her to go back to sleep.  Babies that have enough rest wake up happy, talking, and in a good mood.

If you baby is not napping well during her first few months of life, you may want to try to cut back on the time she is awake by 15 minute increments.  If she is getting overstimulated, then she will fight sleep and be difficult to get to nap.  The way to prevent this is to watch her “sleepy” cues to make sure that you put her down when she is beginning to get sleepy.  
Some parents believe that letting their child cry will harm him or her.  Fifteen or twenty minutes of crying will not harm your child physically or mentally.  Babies will learn to self-soothe and fall asleep by themselves, but only if you let her.  It is very important that babies learn to fall asleep by themselves so that they can self-soothe if they awake in the middle of the night.  Otherwise, you may have a child that will not sleep through the night for years.  
Regular sleep patterns are intermeshed with regular eating patterns, so let us look at the stages of a baby’s life:  
* Newborn:  Your newborn will sleep anywhere from 16 to 20 hours a day, including the naps that he takes between feedings.  When your baby has been fed, let him stay awake for a short while and then put him down before he becomes overstimulated.  
* Two months:  At two months and older, your child should be allowed to try to self-soothe during their naptimes and bedtime.  Crying is normal when you put your baby down, but it is okay.  If he cries for longer than 10-15 minutes, then go in and check on him.  Don’t get him up, but pat his bottom or lightly rub his back until he calms down.  
* 3-6 months:  At around 3-6 months, your baby will stop taking one of his naps.  Usually it is the third nap or late afternoon nap that they do not need as much.  He may be a little fussy and may want to take a little nap, but you need to try to keep him up if you want him to go to bed at a decent time and sleep soundly through the night.  
* 16+ months:  When your child is between 16-20 months, they usually quit taking the morning nap in favor of a longer nap in the afternoons.  Babies this age usually sleep between 10-12 hours a night and take a 2-3 hour afternoon nap.  
Ground Rules about Naps1. You decide when the nap starts and ends, not the baby.  2. When your baby is older than 4 months old, she will wake up crying if she hasn’t slept enough.  She might have a dirty diaper, be in a position that is not comfortable, or cold/hot. Fix the problem and encourage her to go back to sleep.  Babies that have enough rest wake up happy, talking, and in a good mood.

More Tips For Parenting

More Tips For Parenting
* Diapers:  Most babies that are fed using the PDF method usually need a diaper change at each feeding time.  This means that your baby will need about 6-8 diapers a day or more.  Many new parents time the diaper changes with the after dinner bowel movement, but if you miss it, you will just have a few more diapers to change during the day.
* Diaper rash:  Sensitive skin is a common problem for some babies and they may get a diaper rash due to a food allergy, yeast infection, sitting too long in a wet or messy diaper, or teething.  If you notice your baby beginning to get a diaper rash, talk to your pediatrician about which diaper rash medicine will work for your baby.
* Growth spurts:  Growth spurts can start as early as 10 days after your baby’s birth.  Growth spurts usually are preceded by a sleepy, lethargic day and a big jump in appetite.  Growth spurts may happen again at 3, 6, and 12 weeks and again at 4 and 6 months.  If you begin to notice that your child is not as satisfied with the amount that you have been feeding her previously, then she may be beginning a growth spurt period.  If you are breastfeeding, you may want to add a feeding or two to satiate your baby’s appetite and to help increase milk production.
* Immunizations:  With all of the conflicting reports on immunizations, you may be unsure about whether or not you want your child to receive immunizations.  I think that there are simply too many fatal diseases that can be prevented by immunizing your baby to take the chance.  If you are unsure, then you need to talk with your pediatrician, but understand that the reason that the infant mortality rate is so low in this country is because immunizations are routinely done.
* Pacifiers & thumb sucking:  If you breastfeed, do not allow your child to use you as their pacifier.  If your baby seems to have a need to suck beyond eating, then you need to give them a pacifier.  There is no “nipple confusion” between a breast nipple and a pacifier as they are very different in feel and taste.  Babies will know the difference between the two.  Some children do not want a pacifier but will suck on their thumb.  If you don’t have a problem with it, then let them.
* Spitting up:  It is very common for babies to spit up, but some babies do it more than others.  If your baby is growing normally, then there is no need to worry about it.  Projectile throwing up is not the same as spitting up.  Projectile throwing up is a violent reaction to reject the contents of the stomach and not just “burping” up a little milk.  If your baby does this frequently, consult your pediatrician.

* Diapers:  Most babies that are fed using the PDF method usually need a diaper change at each feeding time.  This means that your baby will need about 6-8 diapers a day or more.  Many new parents time the diaper changes with the after dinner bowel movement, but if you miss it, you will just have a few more diapers to change during the day.  
* Diaper rash:  Sensitive skin is a common problem for some babies and they may get a diaper rash due to a food allergy, yeast infection, sitting too long in a wet or messy diaper, or teething.  If you notice your baby beginning to get a diaper rash, talk to your pediatrician about which diaper rash medicine will work for your baby.  
* Growth spurts:  Growth spurts can start as early as 10 days after your baby’s birth.  Growth spurts usually are preceded by a sleepy, lethargic day and a big jump in appetite.  Growth spurts may happen again at 3, 6, and 12 weeks and again at 4 and 6 months.  If you begin to notice that your child is not as satisfied with the amount that you have been feeding her previously, then she may be beginning a growth spurt period.  If you are breastfeeding, you may want to add a feeding or two to satiate your baby’s appetite and to help increase milk production.  
* Immunizations:  With all of the conflicting reports on immunizations, you may be unsure about whether or not you want your child to receive immunizations.  I think that there are simply too many fatal diseases that can be prevented by immunizing your baby to take the chance.  If you are unsure, then you need to talk with your pediatrician, but understand that the reason that the infant mortality rate is so low in this country is because immunizations are routinely done.  
* Pacifiers & thumb sucking:  If you breastfeed, do not allow your child to use you as their pacifier.  If your baby seems to have a need to suck beyond eating, then you need to give them a pacifier.  There is no “nipple confusion” between a breast nipple and a pacifier as they are very different in feel and taste.  Babies will know the difference between the two.  Some children do not want a pacifier but will suck on their thumb.  If you don’t have a problem with it, then let them.  

* Spitting up:  It is very common for babies to spit up, but some babies do it more than others.  If your baby is growing normally, then there is no need to worry about it.  Projectile throwing up is not the same as spitting up.  Projectile throwing up is a violent reaction to reject the contents of the stomach and not just “burping” up a little milk.  If your baby does this frequently, consult your pediatrician.

Changing the Awkward Shots Into Opportunities

Changing the Awkward Shots Into Opportunities
For some of us golfers, this is something that happens to us more often that we would like.  You know what I am talking about.  Shots that throw you off balance or aren’t as simple as instruction videos or professionals make them look.  Here are some great ways to overcome the awkward shots.
When you have an awkward shot to make, think about how you can swing, keep your balance, and keep from moving your head.  Then imagine the line your club travels along.
Prior to setting up your shot, consider where the club head needs to travel for the greatest distance in a straight line.  Keep in mind that the ball makes contact with the club head for several inches.  After you make a few practice swings, you will be able to see what relationship your feet will have with the line and then you can determine your stance.
It is important to keep from swaying when you are about the hit the ball.  Just before you swing, see if there is any problem keeping your balance.  If there is, you need to keep shifting until you find a comfortable position where there is no tension in your swing.  Freedom in your muscles and mind is what you are looking for so that you will be able to swing smoothly.  If you are fidgety when you address the ball, you are not going to be able to focus on the ball.  Be sure you keep your feet still.
Ensure that you can see the ball from the beginning to end of your swing.  Even if it is a difficult shot, do not lose focus on the ball.  This will help you hit the ball cleanly and solidly.
If you keep your eye on the ball, then your swing will be free from faults and the ball will be hit correctly.  If you can keep your head still for the entire swing until the club head meets the ball, your swing will definitely improve.  Then if you have an awkward shot, you will be able to hit it with confidence and assurance.
Bad or difficult weather can make any shot more difficult.  When the wind is blowing, it is important to keep your feet closer together.  It is natural to think that you just need to hit the ball harder, but the wind makes it even more important to hit the ball correctly.
The more awkward the shot, the more you need your muscles to be relaxed enough to make the shot.  Here is a tip.  The shorter the shot that you need to make, the closer your feet should be brought together.  Hit the ball true, instead of with all of your strength to keep it from bouncing away and reducing the distance that it travels.
Awkward and difficult shots are something that every golfer needs to learn to deal with.  Once you learn how to handle them, then you will be much more confident and be enjoying a lower golf score!

For some of us golfers, this is something that happens to us more often that we would like.  You know what I am talking about.  Shots that throw you off balance or aren’t as simple as instruction videos or professionals make them look.  Here are some great ways to overcome the awkward shots.  
When you have an awkward shot to make, think about how you can swing, keep your balance, and keep from moving your head.  Then imagine the line your club travels along.    
Prior to setting up your shot, consider where the club head needs to travel for the greatest distance in a straight line.  Keep in mind that the ball makes contact with the club head for several inches.  After you make a few practice swings, you will be able to see what relationship your feet will have with the line and then you can determine your stance.  
It is important to keep from swaying when you are about the hit the ball.  Just before you swing, see if there is any problem keeping your balance.  If there is, you need to keep shifting until you find a comfortable position where there is no tension in your swing.  Freedom in your muscles and mind is what you are looking for so that you will be able to swing smoothly.  If you are fidgety when you address the ball, you are not going to be able to focus on the ball.  Be sure you keep your feet still.  
Ensure that you can see the ball from the beginning to end of your swing.  Even if it is a difficult shot, do not lose focus on the ball.  This will help you hit the ball cleanly and solidly.  
If you keep your eye on the ball, then your swing will be free from faults and the ball will be hit correctly.  If you can keep your head still for the entire swing until the club head meets the ball, your swing will definitely improve.  Then if you have an awkward shot, you will be able to hit it with confidence and assurance.  
Bad or difficult weather can make any shot more difficult.  When the wind is blowing, it is important to keep your feet closer together.  It is natural to think that you just need to hit the ball harder, but the wind makes it even more important to hit the ball correctly.  
The more awkward the shot, the more you need your muscles to be relaxed enough to make the shot.  Here is a tip.  The shorter the shot that you need to make, the closer your feet should be brought together.  Hit the ball true, instead of with all of your strength to keep it from bouncing away and reducing the distance that it travels.  
Awkward and difficult shots are something that every golfer needs to learn to deal with.  Once you learn how to handle them, then you will be much more confident and be enjoying a lower golf score!

Keys to Golfing Better

Keys to Golfing Better
The golf professionals do have something that they agree on.  If you do not keep your balance during the entire swing, it is not possible to have a good stroke.  It sounds simple to keep your balance, doesn’t it?  Unfortunately, it is impossible to have good balance when you are so tense that you are “white knuckling” the club, your entire body is stiff, and you are trying to hit the ball too hard.
When you are just starting to play golf, you are frequently warned to not hit the ball too hard.  Energy that is focused will make the ball go much further than a hard swing that does not make contact with the ball at the club’s center.  When you are well balanced, you are more free to hit the ball correctly.
Keep your head still, with your eyes focused on the ball.  The more still your head is, the better you will be able to see the ball.  This helps to create the foundation for you to keep your balance.  Any movement or distraction that hinders your balance will make it impossible to focus on the ball.  It is imperative that you keep your head perfectly still and do not move it during your swing.
If you want to keep your balance, you need to relax your body and muscles.  If you don’t relax, then your head is going to move.
If you will watch yourself in front of your mirror, you will soon realize that you need to relax your muscles for your head to stay still while you swing.  No two golfers have the same build, so you will have to figure out some things for yourself.  It is a necessity to begin by keeping your head in the same position from the beginning to end of your swing.  If you keep your head still, you will be able to focus on the ball, and you will turn your hands at the right time.
You will be able to cure many of your problems just by keeping your head completely still.  It will be impossible to incorrectly grip your club without losing your balance and moving your head.
If you don’t follow through correctly, you will not be able to keep your balance.
If you concentrate on your balance and keeping your head still, then you will not swing too hard or pull your club away.  It will be impossible to put too much strength into your swing.  You will be relaxed and will have a smooth swing and a successful finish.
Keeping your balance is necessary for you to enjoy a great game of golf.  It will take time for you to see definite improvement, so be patient.  Concentrate on keeping your balance and your head in one place and in no time you will be enjoying an excellent golf game that your friends will be envious of!

The golf professionals do have something that they agree on.  If you do not keep your balance during the entire swing, it is not possible to have a good stroke.  It sounds simple to keep your balance, doesn’t it?  Unfortunately, it is impossible to have good balance when you are so tense that you are “white knuckling” the club, your entire body is stiff, and you are trying to hit the ball too hard.  
When you are just starting to play golf, you are frequently warned to not hit the ball too hard.  Energy that is focused will make the ball go much further than a hard swing that does not make contact with the ball at the club’s center.  When you are well balanced, you are more free to hit the ball correctly.  
Keep your head still, with your eyes focused on the ball.  The more still your head is, the better you will be able to see the ball.  This helps to create the foundation for you to keep your balance.  Any movement or distraction that hinders your balance will make it impossible to focus on the ball.  It is imperative that you keep your head perfectly still and do not move it during your swing.  
If you want to keep your balance, you need to relax your body and muscles.  If you don’t relax, then your head is going to move.
If you will watch yourself in front of your mirror, you will soon realize that you need to relax your muscles for your head to stay still while you swing.  No two golfers have the same build, so you will have to figure out some things for yourself.  It is a necessity to begin by keeping your head in the same position from the beginning to end of your swing.  If you keep your head still, you will be able to focus on the ball, and you will turn your hands at the right time.  
You will be able to cure many of your problems just by keeping your head completely still.  It will be impossible to incorrectly grip your club without losing your balance and moving your head.  
If you don’t follow through correctly, you will not be able to keep your balance.    
If you concentrate on your balance and keeping your head still, then you will not swing too hard or pull your club away.  It will be impossible to put too much strength into your swing.  You will be relaxed and will have a smooth swing and a successful finish.
Keeping your balance is necessary for you to enjoy a great game of golf.  It will take time for you to see definite improvement, so be patient.  Concentrate on keeping your balance and your head in one place and in no time you will be enjoying an excellent golf game that your friends will be envious of!

Breastfeeding Your Baby

Breastfeeding Your Baby
Breastfeeding problems, such as milk production difficulties, are not as common when using the PDF feeding method, but they do occur.  Even if you are well rested, eating healthy, have a pretty routine life, and your baby is growing and getting enough food, you still may experience a milk production issue.  Many things can cause production problems.  Here are just a few.
Some things that can affect your milk supply are:
> What mom eats
> How much mom rests and sleeps
> Her state of mind
> The age of the mom
> How many children you have
> Your desire to breastfeed
> Your nursing capabilities
> Your nursing techniques
> Baby’s latch on abilities
If you choose to breastfeed, it is very important that you take your baby for their check-ups as needed.  If you don’t, how will you know if he is getting enough milk and growing at the correct rate?  There is no way for you to tell that your child is getting enough nutrition for sure without your child being weighed.
During the first week of your baby’s life, your breasts will produce colostrum for them to drink.  Colostrum is rich in antibodies and aids the baby’s immune system.  It also helps him pass his first bowel movement, which is called meconium.  Meconium is black and tarry looking and is in the first few diapers after birth.  Then he begins to transition to a brown substance and after your milk comes in, it becomes a yellow, mustardy stool that is loose and watery.  Bottle-fed baby’s pass firmer, tannish stools than breastfed baby’s.
After 24-48 hours after birth, your baby will start having wet diapers that will increase to two or three a day.
While your baby drinks colostrum and then milk, you should listen for a pattern of “suck, suck, suck, swallow.”  This pattern will be rhythmic and there should be no “clicking” noises.  The “clicking” sound can indicate that your baby is not properly latched on and may not be getting enough milk from you.  If you start to hear this, you need to unlatch him and then reattach him.  If you continue to hear this sound after reattaching him several times, then you may want to consult a lactation consultant or your pediatrician.
After the first week of life, you should see 6-8 wet diapers each day and at least 3 bowel movements a day.  His urine should be clear and he should become more alert with each passing day.  Your baby should also be gaining weight and growing, as this is the surest way to tell that they are getting enough nutrition.  If you have two days in a row that deviates from the above indicators, then you should call your pediatrician immediately.

Breastfeeding problems, such as milk production difficulties, are not as common when using the PDF feeding method, but they do occur.  Even if you are well rested, eating healthy, have a pretty routine life, and your baby is growing and getting enough food, you still may experience a milk production issue.  Many things can cause production problems.  Here are just a few.  
Some things that can affect your milk supply are:  > What mom eats> How much mom rests and sleeps> Her state of mind> The age of the mom> How many children you have > Your desire to breastfeed> Your nursing capabilities> Your nursing techniques> Baby’s latch on abilities
If you choose to breastfeed, it is very important that you take your baby for their check-ups as needed.  If you don’t, how will you know if he is getting enough milk and growing at the correct rate?  There is no way for you to tell that your child is getting enough nutrition for sure without your child being weighed.  
During the first week of your baby’s life, your breasts will produce colostrum for them to drink.  Colostrum is rich in antibodies and aids the baby’s immune system.  It also helps him pass his first bowel movement, which is called meconium.  Meconium is black and tarry looking and is in the first few diapers after birth.  Then he begins to transition to a brown substance and after your milk comes in, it becomes a yellow, mustardy stool that is loose and watery.  Bottle-fed baby’s pass firmer, tannish stools than breastfed baby’s.  
After 24-48 hours after birth, your baby will start having wet diapers that will increase to two or three a day.  
While your baby drinks colostrum and then milk, you should listen for a pattern of “suck, suck, suck, swallow.”  This pattern will be rhythmic and there should be no “clicking” noises.  The “clicking” sound can indicate that your baby is not properly latched on and may not be getting enough milk from you.  If you start to hear this, you need to unlatch him and then reattach him.  If you continue to hear this sound after reattaching him several times, then you may want to consult a lactation consultant or your pediatrician.  
After the first week of life, you should see 6-8 wet diapers each day and at least 3 bowel movements a day.  His urine should be clear and he should become more alert with each passing day.  Your baby should also be gaining weight and growing, as this is the surest way to tell that they are getting enough nutrition.  If you have two days in a row that deviates from the above indicators, then you should call your pediatrician immediately.

Watch The Ball!

Watch The Ball!
This phrase is often repeated in nearly every sport – keep your eye on the ball.  It applies to golf too!  If you do not watch the ball, then the chance that you will hit it is very slim!
Keep your eyes focused on one part of the ball.  Don’t watch your club as you swing.
Keep your focus on the ball and let everything else fade into the background.
Try to look down on the ball, rather than watching it at the end of the golf club.  Raising your shoulders is not going to help you see the ball more clearly.  If you will look down on the ball, you will get results that are more successful and you will not have a tendency to look up before the end of your swing.
Unfortunately, it is completely natural to look away when you begin to pull the club back.  Ignore the natural feeling and keep your eyes on the ball.
When you are looking down at the ball, you should notice that the only way you can keep the club head in the correct line of flight is to keep your hands moving parallel to the flight line.  Keep your hands in line with the club head when making contact with the ball.
It is very important to learn to watch the ball no matter what kind of shot you need to make.  It does not matter if the ball is in the long grass, the sand trap, on a slope, or anywhere else, the main thing is to see the ball completely so that you can hit it solidly and successfully.
There are not many golfers who stand still and keep their attention on the ball.  Many times, people will look at where they want the ball to go and then look at the ball.  Most golfers would be surprised to learn that they do not stand still and watch the ball.  The instant that you take your eye off the ball, you begin having problems.
Most golf mistakes are a result of a loss of concentration.  It you keep your focus on the ball, you will be able to hit the ball well.
To help your golf game, remind yourself to keep your eye on the ball for the entire swing.  You will find your golf game improving so much that your friends may be asking you for advice!

This phrase is often repeated in nearly every sport – keep your eye on the ball.  It applies to golf too!  If you do not watch the ball, then the chance that you will hit it is very slim!  
Keep your eyes focused on one part of the ball.  Don’t watch your club as you swing.  
Keep your focus on the ball and let everything else fade into the background.  
Try to look down on the ball, rather than watching it at the end of the golf club.  Raising your shoulders is not going to help you see the ball more clearly.  If you will look down on the ball, you will get results that are more successful and you will not have a tendency to look up before the end of your swing.   
Unfortunately, it is completely natural to look away when you begin to pull the club back.  Ignore the natural feeling and keep your eyes on the ball.   
When you are looking down at the ball, you should notice that the only way you can keep the club head in the correct line of flight is to keep your hands moving parallel to the flight line.  Keep your hands in line with the club head when making contact with the ball.  
It is very important to learn to watch the ball no matter what kind of shot you need to make.  It does not matter if the ball is in the long grass, the sand trap, on a slope, or anywhere else, the main thing is to see the ball completely so that you can hit it solidly and successfully.   
There are not many golfers who stand still and keep their attention on the ball.  Many times, people will look at where they want the ball to go and then look at the ball.  Most golfers would be surprised to learn that they do not stand still and watch the ball.  The instant that you take your eye off the ball, you begin having problems.  
Most golf mistakes are a result of a loss of concentration.  It you keep your focus on the ball, you will be able to hit the ball well.    
To help your golf game, remind yourself to keep your eye on the ball for the entire swing.  You will find your golf game improving so much that your friends may be asking you for advice!

Cut Back on Spending

At first it may seem difficult to limit spending and stick to a budget, however there are a few practical changes that you can make everyday that will cut your spending more than you expect.  
Firstly, alter credit car behavior.  Start to pay cash whenever possible.  This will help you avoid making a purchase unless you actually have the money available.  If you decide to make a credit card purchase, be prepared to pay the balance off monthly.  This will save a lot of money through avoiding interest charges.  If you already have a credit card balance, then transfer to a card with a low interest rate.  Also, find a card that does not charge an annual fee.

Create and Maintain a Budget

Create and Maintain a Budget
The first step to avoiding the troubles of financial debt is to create and maintain a budget.  It’s not as intimidating as it sounds, don’t worry.
First off,  create a list of all your monthly income and also a list of your monthly expenses.  When determining income, list all sources including alimony, child support, side jobs, etc.  In calculating expenses, be sure to include housing, food, transportation, utilities, entertainment, etc.  To gain an accurate reflection of actual expenses, sit down each night and write down expenses, just make sure to save receipts.  Determine if your income covers all of your expenses.  If the answer is no, then some expenses need to be reduced.
Adjust expenses.  If it is a small discrepancy, it may mean reducing some minor expenses like entertainment or cell phone plan.  If the deficit is larger, you may need to downsize your vehicle or living arrangements.  If your income covers all of your expenses, you still may want to trim some of the excess fat off your spending habits.  This can free up extra money for things such as vacations or college funds for your children.
Additionally, consider if you need to add new categories.  Some areas that are often overlooked are debt reduction, emergency savings funds, and retirement savings.  An emergency fund ensures there is an adequate amount available to cover unforeseen events (car emergency, etc), should it arise.  This will eliminate the need for using credit which can quickly damage your budget.
There are several advantages to sticking to your budget.  Firstly, most people have set financial goals that they would like to reach in the future.  Sometimes it may be a trip, a brand new car, or a college education.  A budget can help people save money to make these goals a reality.  Additionally, many people are crushed under heavy consumer debt.  Without a disciplined pattern of spending, it is virtually impossible to make much headway in reducing debt.  A personal budget will provide the necessary framework to begin eliminating these inflated account balances.
If executed properly, a budget will allow a person to simultaneously meet their expenses, place money into savings, and pay back outstanding debts.  Therefore, it is anyone’s best interest to create and implement a budget.
Cut Back on Spending
At first it may seem difficult to limit spending and stick to a budget, however there are a few practical changes that you can make everyday that will cut your spending more than you expect.
Firstly, alter credit car behavior.  Start to pay cash whenever possible.  This will help you avoid making a purchase unless you actually have the money available.  If you decide to make a credit card purchase, be prepared to pay the balance off monthly.  This will save a lot of money through avoiding interest charges.  If you already have a credit card balance, then transfer to a card with a low interest rate.  Also, find a card that does not charge an annual fee.
Another tip is to pack your lunch everyday.  All of those lunch hours spent at restaurants will add up.  Bringing your own lunch can save you several dollars every day, which will add up over time.
Use your cell phone during off peak hours.  Some people will spend a couple hundred dollars a month on phone charges.  Avoid this by making most calls during off peak times.  Check with your service and plan to find out when you have cheaper or unlimited calls.
Stop throwing away the Sunday newspaper before skimming through the advertisements.  Clip some of those coupons and check out the sales.  This may seem tedious, but the savings are often worth it.  Many stores will double or triple the amount of the coupon.  This technique can save you up to 20 or 30 dollars each time you head to the food store.
Additionally, refinance.  Mortgage rates have been extremely low over the past year.  This has been a great opportunity to reduce the monthly house payment significantly.  If you are planning to have your house paid off prior to retirement, then you may want to factor this in before refinancing.
Finally, bundle your insurance.  Many insurance companies will offer their customers lower rates if they purchase multiple policies.  For instance, some people use the same agent for multiple cars, and others combine their cars and house.  Always keep in mind that a dollar here and there really begins to add up.  Avoid the temptation of thinking that changing your spending habits wouldn’t save that much money.
Start Saving!
So you are loaded down with bills to pay each month and are wondering how you can begin a savings account for emergencies and other high-expense endeavors.  In other words, where can you find that extra cash to put away for later?
Firstly, when configuring your budge, plan for your savings first.  You will grow richer each month if you begin to pay yourself first.  Before paying any bills, decide on a set amount that you will pay yourself first—maybe five or ten percent—or whatever you decide—of your paycheck.  Then, deposit the amount into a savings account before paying any bills.
When you do this at the beginning of the month, your entire paycheck will not suddenly slip through your fingers.  If you wait until the end of the month, there may be nothing left to save.  Paying yourself first will give you a systematic way to make your money grow.  Regardless of your profession or your income, this system will work if you stick to it.
Another technique you may try for saving money is to empty your extra change into a coffee can or a jar each day.  At the end of the month, roll the coins and put them into your savings account.  You may be able to save 30 or 40 dollars each month just with your spare change.
Remember that good money management is more than just a mathematical formula.  It’s too closely tied with the ups and downs of living to be just that.  Your money management plan is always subject to change if your life situation changes.  The object of a good budget is to make your money go the farthest in helping you reach your goals, it is not there to force to you to abide by rules.
Don’t get discouraged if the budget plan doesn’t work perfectly right away.  It may involve some revising and editing until it fits your needs.  Then, make sure to review it often, and be sure it is making the best use of every penny!  Because we know how helpful those spare pennies can be!
Avoid Spending Pitfalls!
With all the advantages that are evident from personal budgeting, it is no wonder that more and more people are relying on them to reduce debts and increase their savings.  However, all ‘budgeters’ need to be careful to avoid some common pitfalls that appear often.
Credit cards may seem like small pieces of plastic, however they can cause a great deal of trouble for the owners.  It is common for people to make unwise purchases, which they would have avoided otherwise, because they had the credit card in their wallet.  The best solution for many people is simply to get rid of credit cards and begin paying only by cash, check, or debit cards.  You may want to keep one card handy for emergencies, but it is probably best to keep it out of reach, and far away from your wallet.
Another problem with budgeting is impatience.  There are financial goals set, but people do not have the patience to complete a savings program.  For instance, an individual begins setting aside money for a new car; however, after a few months they discover the car of their dreams.  Rather than waiting, they make the purchase.  This could pose some serious financial strains.  Discipline is a must to prevent impatience from breaking your budget.
Once a person makes a budget, they often fail to adjust it when necessary.  A budget is created using a set of expenses and income figures that are liable to change.  As these figures do change, it is important that the budget changes to reflect the adjustments.  There could be some major deficits if this is not done appropriately and promptly.
Of course nobody forgets about Christmas or Hanukkah, however many people do not consider budgeting for holidays when creating a budget.  Therefore, adequate funds have not been set aside for presents, food, parties, etc.  These items should be factored in and saved for throughout the year.
Finally, many people factor in transportation and accommodations for vacations in their budget, however they underestimate money needed for food, entertainment, and spending money.  Keep in mind that all the resorts and tourists areas are double or triple what you would normally pay.
With a little planning, you’ll be on your way to saving more money than you ever thought possible!
Easy Money-Saving Changes
One of the most obvious and easy ways to save some extra cash is to change some of the way you use products and items in your everyday life.  The key is to make minor changes.
For instance, always buy the cheapest hand soap you can find.  The quality doesn’t necessarily go up with the price and you can use it in place of ‘bath soap.’
Always use the whole product.  Turn bottles upside down and drain to get the last bit from them.  Tear open sugar and flour sacks to get everything; squeeze or cut open tubes to use it all before running out to buy more.  You’ll be surprised at how much there really is left!
Also, never use more than you need.  Just because it says on the box that you need a full cup, doesn’t mean that you really do it need it.  Half a measure of laundry detergent and a half teaspoon of dish soap are examples of what are usually enough, rather than what the manufacturer says.
To save some cash, you can use some of the things in your house in some unique ways.  Instead of spending lots of money on the fancy floor cleaners, try using ammonia.  It does a great job, and you can use plain water in between times.  If your furniture needs some polishing, mix equal parts of white vinegar and vegetable oil and rub on the furniture.  Buff with a cloth until it shines.
For a freezer bag, use empty chip bags and close with masking taps.  Also try a bowl with a lid, such as a margarine tub.
If your skin is feeling a little dry, there are several substitutes for expensive lotion.  Petroleum jelly rubbed into your hands at night after a warm water soak, mayonnaise (rinse w/ cold water after), or any other oil based food.  Just be sure to put it on immediately after your hands have been in water.
To save some money on laundry, dissolve a bar of handsoap in water to replace laundry detergent.  Add three gallons of hot water, mix thoroughly and add a cup of washing soda.
Sure, these are small changes, but added up, they can put some extra change into your pocket throughout the year!

The first step to avoiding the troubles of financial debt is to create and maintain a budget.  It’s not as intimidating as it sounds, don’t worry.
First off,  create a list of all your monthly income and also a list of your monthly expenses.  When determining income, list all sources including alimony, child support, side jobs, etc.  In calculating expenses, be sure to include housing, food, transportation, utilities, entertainment, etc.  To gain an accurate reflection of actual expenses, sit down each night and write down expenses, just make sure to save receipts.  Determine if your income covers all of your expenses.  If the answer is no, then some expenses need to be reduced.  

Getting Out and Staying Out of Credit Card Debt

Getting Out and Staying Out of Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt is a major cause of over one million bankruptcies each year.  The reason is that many people get a credit card without researching and reading the fine print.  By the time annual fees are added on, along with spending indiscriminately, payments are missed, which causes their balance to skyrocket.
Although we all like to place the blame on the credit cards and the credit card companies, you need to keep in mind that the real cause of your financial mess is you.
One shopping spree does not usually cause high debt.  It is usually a pattern that consists of gradually increasing purchases that add up to a large debt.  The great thing is that it can be very easy to get out of debt.  The key is to start spending less than you make.  This is a long-term solution that can help you to whittle your debt down.
Although it may sound simple, it can be very difficult if you have a problem with willpower.  It is important to stick with spending less than you make or you will find yourself in exactly the same place as you were before.  Overcoming your debt will take willpower and a great deal of time.
It may be difficult to stick with your debt repayment program, but keep yourself strong and you will find yourself out of debt before you know it.
It is important to learn how to get out of debt and then stay out of debt.  If you can summon enough willpower and strength towards your finances and spending, then you will find yourself the winner in the game of debt.  It may be easy to get into debt, but getting out of debt is much more difficult, but worth it.
One simple phrase can sum up the solution to your financial problems.  If you don’t have the money to spend, then don’t spend it!

Credit card debt is a major cause of over one million bankruptcies each year.  The reason is that many people get a credit card without researching and reading the fine print.  By the time annual fees are added on, along with spending indiscriminately, payments are missed, which causes their balance to skyrocket.   
Although we all like to place the blame on the credit cards and the credit card companies, you need to keep in mind that the real cause of your financial mess is you.  
One shopping spree does not usually cause high debt.  It is usually a pattern that consists of gradually increasing purchases that add up to a large debt.  The great thing is that it can be very easy to get out of debt.  The key is to start spending less than you make.  This is a long-term solution that can help you to whittle your debt down.  
Although it may sound simple, it can be very difficult if you have a problem with willpower.  It is important to stick with spending less than you make or you will find yourself in exactly the same place as you were before.  Overcoming your debt will take willpower and a great deal of time.  
It may be difficult to stick with your debt repayment program, but keep yourself strong and you will find yourself out of debt before you know it.  
It is important to learn how to get out of debt and then stay out of debt.  If you can summon enough willpower and strength towards your finances and spending, then you will find yourself the winner in the game of debt.  It may be easy to get into debt, but getting out of debt is much more difficult, but worth it.   
One simple phrase can sum up the solution to your financial problems.  If you don’t have the money to spend, then don’t spend it!
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