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Procurio CRYSIS 2 BETA, Thanks God! :) Featured

Procurila BETA igre CRYSIS 2, dugoočekivani nastavak u kojem igrate ulogu vojnika u super nano odijelu koje izražava vaše fizičke mogućnosti do maksimuma te Vam ujedno daje taktičke sposobnosti koristeći nevidljivost, brzinu, snagu...

It’s 2023, terrifying alien invaders stalk the New York City streets. Only you can prevail, wielding the supersoldier enhancements of Nanosuit 2.

BE STRONG – Take on multiple enemies with Armor mode, mince them with heavy weapons or squash them by kicking cars.

BE FAST – Get to the action quickly, then powerjump, ledgegrab and slide round the environment with amazing agility.

BE INVISIBLE – Use Stealth mode to set traps or hit and run your enemies, or snipe from a concealed position.

BE THE WEAPON – With the Nanosuit, you choose how you want to play.

Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Released: 2011
Developer: Crytek
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Publisher in Russia: Electronic Arts
Language: English (original) / French / German / Spanish / Turkish
Description: The world was shocked with a series of environmental disasters, and mankind is on the verge of extinction. Aliens have returned, determined to wipe people off the face of the earth and started at the same time with one of the most iconic cities of the earth. New York streets flooded with alien invaders, and the wave of the walking nightmares gradually engulfing the city and its inhabitants. Urban communication systems are destroyed, the buildings are in ruins. This New York City you've ever seen. Neither law enforcement organizations, nor the U.S. military machine can not cope with the invaders, and all who could not escape in time, are already dead. To survive in this chaos, you need the technology, about which neither the earth's soldiers also have no idea. One person will inherit something that will help him survive. One super-soldiers, armed and equipped with the latest technologies of the future in Nanosuit 2, take a desperate attempt to save humanity in the streets of New York.
Minimum system requirements:
-OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
-CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 2 GHz
-VIDEO: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT 512MB or AMD Radeon HD 3850 512 MB
-RAM: 2 GB for XP / 3 GB for Vista
-SOUND: DX-Compatible
-HDD: 9 GB

1. Mount the image.
2. Copy this folder to your hard drive.
3. Run the file from the folder Crysis2.exe Bin32.
4. To offer a login to click Skip
5. Play.

1.This is the full version, but an early build, leaked to the network. You can run any level, there are rollers, etc. But it is visible that the beta - some of the inscriptions & features are not final.

Last modified onSubota, 21 Rujan 2013 10:37

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